16 thoughts on “Contact

    1. What kind of patterns are you looking for, Steve? I don’t generally work from patterns, but I do make preliminary drawings, but these are usually sketches and not scaled plans.

  1. I’m preaching this Sunday on Jacob Wrestling with God and would love to print your wonderful depiction in our bulletin. I have no idea how to get permission, so I’m writing you.
    Rev. Donna Ialongo
    St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
    Glen Ellyn, IL

  2. Hi Mr. Baumgartner,
    I found your beautiful blog and work through Elizabeth Duffy’s blog. After sharing it with my husband, Linus Meldrum, this morning, we wondered if you ever travel afar to lecture at schools. We both teach in the Fine Art Dept at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. Linus has already invited artists including in the past time, David Clayton, Reid Armstrong, and Andrew Wilson Smith coming this Spring, and for next Fall we’re expecting Daniel Mitsui to visit with his family. If you think you might be a good fit feel free to email Linus at lmeldrum@franciscan.edu.

    We lived on a 3 acre farm in the middle of rural PA for 25 years. What you’re doing brings back wonderful memories! Our babies are now 18, 23 and 27 and we have 3 grandchildren. I will be sending your link to both our daughters because they and their husbands will find it inspiring. Our youngest daughter and her husband dream of their future farm. Olivia was a loving shepherdess from her toddler years and dreams of honey bees, sheep and goats as she waits for her first born this June.

    God bless your family and your work.
    Linus Meldrum

    1. Dianne,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and your generous invitation. I will consider it with due diligence.

  3. Hello. I was searching for images of Jacob wrestling with the angel, and came across your work. I would like to purchase one of your prints of that work. Could you advise? I have to say, I am not experienced with this format for contacting, so could a reply be via email?
    And thanks for the aesthetic sensibility so present on the website.

  4. Your newsletters fuel an odd relationship between me and an older man. I forward every email you send out to him then we discuss our favorite parts. I enjoy your art and and admire your success. Success is a very broad term but by my definition you’ve nailed it.
    To the point, the older man I speak of has asked me to contact you and ask if you were ok. He’s concerned because it has been a while since the last newsletter.
    I find this to be very “cute” and am sure you’ll find a great compliment in his innocence. Haha.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you for your comment and for your’s and your friend’s warm concern. It is gratifying to know that this blog serves a friendship in this fashion. I am doing well- though it has been a busy spring. I hope you will both enjoy the new post today.


  5. hi Jack,

    my name is Kevin and I live in Mauritius (Indian Ocean). I was googling for woodwoork and I stumbled upon your website, amzing work! I have to submit a project on woodwork in a few days. was wondering if I could us some of your pictures as background? please let me know.

  6. Jack,
    I own your Unseen Tillman in the Golden Corridor painting. I had no idea who painted it but liked it. I have no idea of its value. Do you perchance remember how much you sold it for? It is dated ’08.

  7. Hello Jack,
    I would like permission to use some of your prints to teach a Sunday School class. I’m especially interested in Elijah in the Wilderness, and the work on Jonah.

    1. Hi Blaine. Thank you for your inquiry. I sent you a reply via email, I hope you received it.

  8. Jack, would you be okay if I used your painting of Jacob wrestling with God as a basis for a tattoo for myself?

      1. I got it done. If you want I can send a pic. Just let me know how to get it to you.

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