Moses in the Rock Update

The most recent work on this painting of Moses in the Cleft of Rock involves the completion of the rocks and the beginning of the turf around Moses.  Sections of turf remain to be painted as does Moses himself.  Once those elements are completed other details to the composition will be introduced.

…and a few details…

10 thoughts on “Moses in the Rock Update

  1. Beautiful work! Being a Jew, I’m a big fan of Moshe.

    Part of my blog focuses on inspiration. If you ever feel inclined, I would love to hear about who and what inspires you.

    Be well,


    1. Yaakov, Thank you for all your kindness. It is good to learn about Moshe by painting about him, and even more the One who he served. I will give your question some long thinking. I appreciate all of your comments, Yaakov.


      1. Thank you! May I also use your photo of your painting as my featured image on my blog? I would be glad to send you a link if you would like

  2. I’m so thrilled to have found an artist like you! Here I was thinking I was just going to read the Torah portion this morning (my favorite Torah portion bc of Ex 33:17-22) and then I got inspired to write a post on it and then I found your painting on this scripture! Mind you, I think you are the only artist that portrayed this intriguing scene (Not even the Renaissance artists depicted this scene from what I could find) and i loved it! You captured it beautifully! And then I find that you made an album? I sampled, I felt it, I bought it. Your work is truly worship of the Most High! Thank you for your contribution to the world of art. -olivia

    1. Olivia, thank you for your kindness and support. I am glad that you like the painting of Moses so much. I am deeply grateful for your willingness to write with words of encouragement. I’ll look forward to reading your post on the passage.

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