Brought Low

Working for and in collaboration with my friend, Cody, we have been preparing waney-edged planks and slabs of eastern red cedar and black walnut for loft and stair railings and countertops, while making much fodder for the compost pile.

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Big Bear of a Locust Log

We cut this big dead Honey-Locust (Gleditsia triancanthos) at Boaz last fall.  I cut him in half out there free-hand, which took nearly 3 hours, then hauled him home.  After some flattening I cut the halves into 3.5″ slabs.  I still had to use the tractor to move them.


Oak, Iron, Copper, Pine, and Walnut


Milling A Walnut Stump

Here are a few photographs as I cut up a walnut stump.  The stump was all that was left of a city tree.


A black walnut stump, cut in half and then one of the halves cut into quarters.


Sawing 5/4″ boards from one of the quarters.


A good stack of boards- ranging from 4″ thick to 4/4″ thick.  A few spots of rot, but much usable wood.


Rowdy spectators.